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Here at Harvey Norman, we offer more than just a fridge to cool or freeze your food. With the latest in refrigeration technologies from the best brands in the industry, we've got the range to transform the way you see one of the essential appliances of your kitchen. Unsure which refrigerator is right for you? Watch our comprehensive guide to Refrigeration we created especially for you
Shop NowBottom mount fridges put refrigerated goods at eye level, which will suit anyone who cooks predominantly with fresh ingredients. Buying a bottom mount fridge will mean that you may have to bend down to access frozen foods, however, most freezers tend to have pull out drawers for easy access.
Shop NowA top mount fridge features a freezer compartment above the fridge cavity. Top mount fridges are ideal for anyone who prefers to have the freezer at eye level. However, this can make food at the back of the freezer hard-to-reach. Be aware that you may find that you have to crouch or bend down to see what is in certain parts of the fridge cavity.
Shop NowA side by side fridge — features a fridge and a freezer of equal height and width alongside one another. They are a favourite of large families. Side by side refrigerators offer large amounts of storage for fresh and frozen goods. Most food is kept at eye level so you don’t need to strain to reach anything. Need to keep food at different temperatures? Look out for side by side fridges with independent cooling zones.
Shop NowA French door fridge is for those who like their kitchen appliances to be a design feature of the room. They tend to feature bottom mounted freezers for convenience. French door fridges have two doors that open outwards to reveal the fridge cavity. They tend to offer excellent in-door storage. Most French door fridges feature an ice dispenser, a water dispenser or both. These are either plumbed in or come with a fillable water tank.
Shop NowA pigeon pair refers to a single-door, vertical refrigerator beside a separate, matching single-door vertical freezer. While most fridge/freezers come in a single unit, a pigeon pair separates the two providing you with a vast amount of fridge and freezer space. An excellent investment for the bigger household, pigeon pairs provide a visually appealing configuration in your kitchen whilst also providing more storage than your standard refrigeration option. Or if space in your home is an issue, you can even position your fridge and freezer on opposite sides of the room to improve the flow of your kitchen area.
Shop NowChest freezers are a favourite of families who like to buy their food in bulk and freeze it for use at a later date. Chest freezers are available in a range of sizes to suit your home and your shopping habits.
Shop NowA wine fridge keeps your wine collection in cellar conditions. They are a necessity for all wine connoisseurs and anyone with a desire to become one. Wine fridges control temperature, humidity, the stability of the unit and the amount of UV light. If a fridge can’t meet these criteria, it is not a wine cooler. Wine fridges resist temperature fluctuations. Maintaining a consistent temperature is critical for the maturation of wines as daily or weekly changes can lead to spoiled fruit flavours.
Shop NowBar fridges are compact fridges that can be located in any room of your home. They tend to feature a glass door and internal lighting so you can easily check your stock levels. A bar fridge is ideal for a man cave or a media room as they are easy-to-install and can be placed in practically any convenient location. Bar fridges offer less functionality than larger fridges but this shouldn’t be a deal breaker if all you want to cool is beer and soft drinks.
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