
Mountview Heavy Duty Water Bladder with Spigot 100L

Mountview Heavy Duty Water Bladder with Spigot 100L
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Need extra water storage for your caravan adventures? The Mountview Heavy Duty Water Bladder with Spigot 100L is the perfect solution! Made from durable PVC, it's easy to fold and store when not in use. The included spigot makes filling and dispensing water a breeze. Perfect for camping, off-grid living, and any outdoor adventures.

Key Features

  • Stay fresh on the road and keep enough water to wash yourself. Fill up from any tap. You can also have an extra-long hose so you can fill up from any source.
  • It features a spacious 100-litre capacity. Made from waterproof and wear-resistant 9 mm thick PVC for long-lasting durability.
  • Connect up a hose to the inlet on your box-type water bladder. Add on the air vent. Make sure the tap is closed. Fill it up. Replace the air vent with the screw cap. Now you can adventure with water.
  • Fill up your water bladder on the back of your ute. Drive down and water your plants down the back of your property. Keep all the flowers bright and happy for your missus.
  • Get some extra water storage for your caravan. Perfect for when you are far away from civilisation. Just make sure you place your caravan water bladder right before filling.
  • Fold your water bladder flat when you don’t need it. Dry it out if you are storing it for a long time. The foldable design allows for easy storage and transport, making it both practical and portable.

*Note: Not suitable for drinking water. 

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